Audience: Registration Package

From: $465.00

Conference Audience Package contains the following:

  • Admission to the Welcome Reception and side events
  • A printed copy of the Conference Programme and Certificate of Presentation
  • Admission to all sessions, including the Plenary and Featured Speaker sessions and sessions in parallel conferences
  • Refreshments and light snacks during morning and afternoon coffee breaks
  • Admission to both the IICE and IICSEE conferences
  • Packed Lunch
Product Quantity

Audience: Basic Registration

Purchasing Basic Registration allows you to attend both IICEHawaii and IICSEEHawaii.


Conference Dinner

Saturday, January 11, 2020
The official Conference Dinner is held in a private function room at a restaurant near the conference venue, and offers conference participants an excellent chance to enjoy delicious food in a relaxed setting while getting to know each other and making new connections outside the main conference environment.

Audience: Spouse

Spouse/Partner of registered presenter
- admission to Welcome Reception
- general admission to presentation sessions
- daily lunch and refreshments


Donate to the Pamulaan Center

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR),​ in cooperation with our partner, the HOPE International Development Agency - Japan, is supporting educational development through the Pamulaan Center for Indigenous Peoples Education in the Philippines, where we are sponsoring the education of undergraduate scholars.

The life of an academic is a busy one, and in between teaching, researching and administration duties, we can sometimes forget that there is a world outside the walls of our institutions. It is also all too easy to forget the help and opportunities that we have been given in our own lives to get educated, and the obligation we have to give back to those less fortunate. Donating to the HOPE International Development Agency is an opportunity to do so.

Read more about our our sponsorship programme with the Pamulaan Center

SKU: APK Category:

Additional information

Audience: Basic Registration

Conference Lunch: Day 1

Lunch is not included on this day

Conference Lunch: Day 2 — optional

Yes, I require lunch, No, I do not require lunch

Conference Lunch: Day 3 — optional

Yes, I require lunch, No, I do not require lunch

Conference Lunch: Day 4 — optional

Yes, I require lunch, No, I do not require lunch

Conference Lunch: Day 5

Lunch is not included on this day

Conference Dinner

Meal Type

Regular Option, Vegetarian Option

Audience: Spouse

Conference Lunch: Day 1 — optional

Yes, I require lunch, No, I do not require lunch

Conference Lunch: Day 2 — optional

Yes, I require lunch, No, I do not require lunch

Conference Lunch: Day 3 — optional

Yes, I require lunch, No, I do not require lunch

Donate to the Pamulaan Center

Donation Amount

2 USD, 5 USD, 10 USD


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